3  a3 Format

The Amino Acid Annotation (a3) format is created to hold amino acid sequences and annotations.

An example of the a3 format is shown below:

The a3 format example showing the nested list structure of annotations.
Figure 3.1

It is a nested list of lists. At the top level, there are:

3.1 Annotations

There are 5 different annotation types defined in the a3 format, and more can be added as needed.

  • Site A named list of (unsigned) integer vectors. The name gives the type of annotation, and the vector contains the amino acid positions of the annotation.
  • Region A named list of integer vectors. The name gives the type of annotation, and the vector contains the start and end positions of the annotation.
  • PTM A named list of integer vectors with positions for each PTM.
  • Cleavage Sites A named list of integer vectors with positions for each cleavage site.
  • Variant A list of lists with variant information. Each element list can contain any number of named elements for the given variant.