45  Colors

Colors in R can be defined in many different ways:

45.1 Color names

There is a long list of color names R understands, and can be listed using colors().

They can be passed directly as characters.

Shades of gray are provided as gray0/grey0 (white) to gray100/grey100 (black).

An extra wide PDF with all built-in R colors is available here:

45.2 Hexadecimal codes

Hexadecimal color codes are characters starting with the pound sign, followed by 4 pairs of hex codes representing Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha values. Since RGB values go from 0 to 255, hex goes from 00 to FF. You can convert decimal to hex using as.hexmode():

[1] "0"
[1] "7f"
[1] "ff"

The last two values for the alpha setting are optional: if not included, defaults to max, i.e. opaque.

45.3 RGB

rgb(0, 0, 1)
[1] "#0000FF"

Note the default maxColorValue = 1, set to 255 to use the usual RGB range of 0 to 255:

rgb(0, 0, 255, maxColorValue = 255)
[1] "#0000FF"

45.4 HSV

Color can also be parameterized using the hue, saturation, and value system (HSV). Each range from 0 to 1.
Simplistically: Hue controls the color. Saturation 1 is max color and 0 is white. Value 1 is max color and 0 is black.

hsv(1, 1, 1)
[1] "#FF0000"

In the following plot, the values around the polar plot represent hue. Moving inwards to the center, saturation changes from 1 to 0. (The plot is produced using the mplot_hsv() function from the rtemis package.)


mplot_hsv(v = 0.5)

45.5 Transparency

An easy way to add transparency to any color is using adjustcolor():

For example, to get 50% transparent blue:

adjustcolor("blue", alpha.f = 0.5)
[1] "#0000FF80"

“FF” is hex for 255, and “80” in hex is 128, therefore you can also define the above color as “#0000FF80”, i.e. 0 red, 0 green, 255 blue, 128 alpha.