26  Reshaping

Tabular data can be stored in different formats. Two of the most common ones are wide and long.


A wide dataset contains a single row per case (e.g. patient), while a long dataset can contain multiple rows per case (e.g. for multiple variables or timepoints).

We want to be able to reshape from one form to the other because different programs (e.g. statistical models, plotting functions) expect data in one or the other format for different applications (e.g. longitudinal modeling or grouped visualizations).

Figure 26.1: Wide and Long data format example. Notice how the wide table on the left with 3 cases (3 unique IDs) and 3 variables can be represented as a 3 x 4 table in wide format or a 9 x 3 table in long format. The values (outlined in magenta) are present once in each table: on the wide table they form an ID x Variable matrix, while on the long they are stacked on a single column. The IDs have to be repeated on the long table, once for each variable and there is a new ‘Variable’ column to provide the information present in the wide table’s column names.

R’s reshape() function is very powerful, but can seem intimidating at first, because its documentation is not very clear, especially if you’re not familiar with the jargon.

This chapter includes detailed diagrams and step-by-step instructions to explain how to build calls for long-to-wide and wide-to-long reshaping.

26.1 Long to Wide

26.1.1 Key-value pairs

It is very common to receive data in long format. For example, many tables with electronic health records are stored in long format.

Let’s start with a small synthetic dataset:

dat_long <- data.frame(
    Account_ID = c(8001, 8002, 8003, 8004, 8001, 8002, 8003, 8004, 
            8001, 8002, 8003, 8004, 8001, 8002, 8003, 8004), 
    Age = c(67.8017038366664, 42.9198507293701, 46.2301756642422, 
            39.665983196671, 67.8017038366664, 42.9198507293701, 
            46.2301756642422, 39.665983196671, 67.8017038366664, 
            42.9198507293701, 46.2301756642422, 39.665983196671, 
            67.8017038366664, 42.9198507293701, 46.2301756642422, 
    Admission = c("ED", "Planned", "Planned", "ED", "ED", "Planned", 
            "Planned", "ED", "ED", "Planned", "Planned", "ED", "ED", "Planned", 
            "Planned", "ED"), 
    Lab_key = c("RBC", "RBC", "RBC", "RBC", "WBC", "WBC", "WBC", "WBC", 
            "Hematocrit", "Hematocrit", "Hematocrit", "Hematocrit", 
            "Hemoglobin", "Hemoglobin", "Hemoglobin", "Hemoglobin"), 
    Lab_value = c(4.63449321082268, 3.34968550627897, 4.27037213597765, 
            4.93897736897793, 8374.22887757195, 7612.37380499927, 
            8759.27855519425, 6972.28096216548, 36.272693147236, 
            40.5716317809522, 39.9888624177955, 39.8786884058422, 
            12.6188444991545, 12.1739747363806, 15.1293426442183, 
dat_long <- dat_long[order(dat_long$Account_ID), ]
   Account_ID      Age Admission    Lab_key   Lab_value
1        8001 67.80170        ED        RBC    4.634493
5        8001 67.80170        ED        WBC 8374.228878
9        8001 67.80170        ED Hematocrit   36.272693
13       8001 67.80170        ED Hemoglobin   12.618844
2        8002 42.91985   Planned        RBC    3.349686
6        8002 42.91985   Planned        WBC 7612.373805
10       8002 42.91985   Planned Hematocrit   40.571632
14       8002 42.91985   Planned Hemoglobin   12.173975
3        8003 46.23018   Planned        RBC    4.270372
7        8003 46.23018   Planned        WBC 8759.278555
11       8003 46.23018   Planned Hematocrit   39.988862
15       8003 46.23018   Planned Hemoglobin   15.129343
4        8004 39.66598        ED        RBC    4.938977
8        8004 39.66598        ED        WBC 6972.280962
12       8004 39.66598        ED Hematocrit   39.878688
16       8004 39.66598        ED Hemoglobin   14.888570

The dataset consists of an Account_ID, denoting a unique patient identifier, Age, Admission, and a pair of Lab_key and a Lab_value columns. The lab data contains information on four lab results: RBC, WBC, Hematocrit, and Hemoglobin.

Use the following figure to understand reshape()’s long-to-wide syntax. You can use it as a reference when building a call to reshape() by following steps 1 through 3.

Figure 26.2: reshape() syntax for Long to Wide transformation.
dat_wide <- reshape(
    idvar = "Account_ID",
    timevar = "Lab_key",
    v.names = "Lab_value",
    direction = "wide")
  Account_ID      Age Admission Lab_value.RBC Lab_value.WBC
1       8001 67.80170        ED      4.634493      8374.229
2       8002 42.91985   Planned      3.349686      7612.374
3       8003 46.23018   Planned      4.270372      8759.279
4       8004 39.66598        ED      4.938977      6972.281
  Lab_value.Hematocrit Lab_value.Hemoglobin
1             36.27269             12.61884
2             40.57163             12.17397
3             39.98886             15.12934
4             39.87869             14.88857

You can optionally clean up column names using gsub(), e.g.

colnames(dat_wide) <- gsub("Lab_value.", "", colnames(dat_wide))
  Account_ID      Age Admission      RBC      WBC Hematocrit Hemoglobin
1       8001 67.80170        ED 4.634493 8374.229   36.27269   12.61884
2       8002 42.91985   Planned 3.349686 7612.374   40.57163   12.17397
3       8003 46.23018   Planned 4.270372 8759.279   39.98886   15.12934
4       8004 39.66598        ED 4.938977 6972.281   39.87869   14.88857

26.1.2 Incomplete data

It is very common that not all cases have entries for all variables. We can simulate this by removing a few lines from the data frame above.

dat_long <- dat_long[-4, ]
dat_long <- dat_long[-6, ]
dat_long <- dat_long[-13, ]
   Account_ID      Age Admission    Lab_key   Lab_value
1        8001 67.80170        ED        RBC    4.634493
5        8001 67.80170        ED        WBC 8374.228878
9        8001 67.80170        ED Hematocrit   36.272693
2        8002 42.91985   Planned        RBC    3.349686
6        8002 42.91985   Planned        WBC 7612.373805
14       8002 42.91985   Planned Hemoglobin   12.173975
3        8003 46.23018   Planned        RBC    4.270372
7        8003 46.23018   Planned        WBC 8759.278555
11       8003 46.23018   Planned Hematocrit   39.988862
15       8003 46.23018   Planned Hemoglobin   15.129343
4        8004 39.66598        ED        RBC    4.938977
8        8004 39.66598        ED        WBC 6972.280962
16       8004 39.66598        ED Hemoglobin   14.888570

In such cases, long to wide conversion will include NA values where no data is available:

dat_wide <- reshape(dat_long,
    idvar = "Account_ID",
    timevar = "Lab_key",
    v.names = "Lab_value",
    direction = "wide"
  Account_ID      Age Admission Lab_value.RBC Lab_value.WBC
1       8001 67.80170        ED      4.634493      8374.229
2       8002 42.91985   Planned      3.349686      7612.374
3       8003 46.23018   Planned      4.270372      8759.279
4       8004 39.66598        ED      4.938977      6972.281
  Lab_value.Hematocrit Lab_value.Hemoglobin
1             36.27269                   NA
2                   NA             12.17397
3             39.98886             15.12934
4                   NA             14.88857

26.1.3 Longitudinal data

dat2 <- data.frame(
    pat_enc_csn_id = rep(c(14568:14571), each = 5),
    result_date = rep(c(
            length.out = 5
        )), 4
    order_description = rep("WBC", 20),
    result_component_value = c(
        rnorm(5, mean = 6800, sd = 3840),
        rnorm(5, mean = 7900, sd = 3100),
        rnorm(5, mean = 8100, sd = 4030),
        rnorm(5, mean = 3200, sd = 1100)

   pat_enc_csn_id result_date order_description result_component_value
1           14568  2019-08-01               WBC               492.4179
2           14568  2019-08-02               WBC             15248.7505
3           14568  2019-08-03               WBC              1903.5864
4           14568  2019-08-04               WBC             14678.8044
5           14568  2019-08-05               WBC             -2294.2706
6           14569  2019-08-01               WBC              9152.9633
7           14569  2019-08-02               WBC             10752.8729
8           14569  2019-08-03               WBC              8718.7081
9           14569  2019-08-04               WBC             12312.6886
10          14569  2019-08-05               WBC              5027.2969
11          14570  2019-08-01               WBC             12635.0320
12          14570  2019-08-02               WBC              9694.8960
13          14570  2019-08-03               WBC              -131.3666
14          14570  2019-08-04               WBC             15205.0293
15          14570  2019-08-05               WBC              3202.7172
16          14571  2019-08-01               WBC              3229.1273
17          14571  2019-08-02               WBC              4114.4245
18          14571  2019-08-03               WBC              3187.9468
19          14571  2019-08-04               WBC              4294.6448
20          14571  2019-08-05               WBC              3204.5428

In this example, we have four unique patient IDs, with five measurements taken on different days.

Following the same recipe as above, we convert to wide format:

dat2_wide <- reshape(dat2,
    idvar = "pat_enc_csn_id",
    timevar = "result_date",
    v.names = "result_component_value",
    direction = "wide"
   pat_enc_csn_id order_description result_component_value.2019-08-01
1           14568               WBC                          492.4179
6           14569               WBC                         9152.9633
11          14570               WBC                        12635.0320
16          14571               WBC                         3229.1273
   result_component_value.2019-08-02 result_component_value.2019-08-03
1                          15248.751                         1903.5864
6                          10752.873                         8718.7081
11                          9694.896                         -131.3666
16                          4114.424                         3187.9468
   result_component_value.2019-08-04 result_component_value.2019-08-05
1                          14678.804                         -2294.271
6                          12312.689                          5027.297
11                         15205.029                          3202.717
16                          4294.645                          3204.543

26.2 Wide to Long

Synthetic data:

dat_wide <- data.frame(
    Account_ID = c(8001, 8002, 8003, 8004),
    Age = rnorm(4, mean = 57, sd = 12),
    RBC = rnorm(4, mean = 4.8, sd = 0.5),
    WBC = rnorm(4, mean = 7250, sd = 1500),
    Hematocrit = rnorm(4, mean = 40.2, sd = 4),
    Hemoglobin = rnorm(4, mean = 13.6, sd = 1.5),
    Admission = sample(c("ED", "Planned"), size = 4, replace = TRUE)
  Account_ID      Age      RBC      WBC Hematocrit Hemoglobin Admission
1       8001 67.80170 4.634493 8374.229   36.27269   12.61884        ED
2       8002 42.91985 3.349686 7612.374   40.57163   12.17397   Planned
3       8003 46.23018 4.270372 8759.279   39.98886   15.12934   Planned
4       8004 39.66598 4.938977 6972.281   39.87869   14.88857   Planned

Use the following figure to understand reshape()’s wide-to-long syntax. Use it as a reference when building a call to reshape() by following steps 1 through 5. It’s important to note which arguments refer to the input vs.  the output data frames.

Figure 26.3: reshape() syntax for Wide to Long transformation.
dat_wide2long <- reshape(# Data in wide format
                         data = dat_wide,
                         # The column name that defines case IDs
                         idvar = "Account_ID",
                         # The columns whose values we want to keep
                         varying = list(3:6),
                         # The name of the new column which will contain all 
                         # the values from the columns above
                         v.names = "Lab value",
                         # The values/names, of length = (N columns in "varying"), 
                         # that will be recycled to indicate which column from the 
                         # wide dataset each row corresponds to
                         times = c(colnames(dat_wide)[3:6]),
                         # The name of the new column created to hold the values 
                         # defined by "times"
                         timevar = "Lab key",                  
                         direction = "long")
                Account_ID      Age Admission    Lab key   Lab value
8001.RBC              8001 67.80170        ED        RBC    4.634493
8002.RBC              8002 42.91985   Planned        RBC    3.349686
8003.RBC              8003 46.23018   Planned        RBC    4.270372
8004.RBC              8004 39.66598   Planned        RBC    4.938977
8001.WBC              8001 67.80170        ED        WBC 8374.228878
8002.WBC              8002 42.91985   Planned        WBC 7612.373805
8003.WBC              8003 46.23018   Planned        WBC 8759.278555
8004.WBC              8004 39.66598   Planned        WBC 6972.280962
8001.Hematocrit       8001 67.80170        ED Hematocrit   36.272693
8002.Hematocrit       8002 42.91985   Planned Hematocrit   40.571632
8003.Hematocrit       8003 46.23018   Planned Hematocrit   39.988862
8004.Hematocrit       8004 39.66598   Planned Hematocrit   39.878688
8001.Hemoglobin       8001 67.80170        ED Hemoglobin   12.618844
8002.Hemoglobin       8002 42.91985   Planned Hemoglobin   12.173975
8003.Hemoglobin       8003 46.23018   Planned Hemoglobin   15.129343
8004.Hemoglobin       8004 39.66598   Planned Hemoglobin   14.888570

You can also define varying with a character vector:

varying = list(c("RBC", "WBC", "Hematocrit", "Hemoglobin")

Explore the resulting data frame’s attributes:

 [1] "8001.RBC"        "8002.RBC"        "8003.RBC"        "8004.RBC"       
 [5] "8001.WBC"        "8002.WBC"        "8003.WBC"        "8004.WBC"       
 [9] "8001.Hematocrit" "8002.Hematocrit" "8003.Hematocrit" "8004.Hematocrit"
[13] "8001.Hemoglobin" "8002.Hemoglobin" "8003.Hemoglobin" "8004.Hemoglobin"

[1] "Account_ID" "Age"        "Admission"  "Lab key"    "Lab value" 

[1] "data.frame"

[1] "RBC"        "WBC"        "Hematocrit" "Hemoglobin"

[1] "Lab value"

[1] "Account_ID"

[1] "Lab key"

These attributes are present if and only if a long data.frame was created from a wide data.frame as above. In this case, reshaping back to wide format is as easy as calling reshape() on the previously converted data.frame with no arguments:

dat_wideagain <- reshape(dat_wide2long)
         Account_ID      Age Admission      RBC      WBC Hematocrit Hemoglobin
8001.RBC       8001 67.80170        ED 4.634493 8374.229   36.27269   12.61884
8002.RBC       8002 42.91985   Planned 3.349686 7612.374   40.57163   12.17397
8003.RBC       8003 46.23018   Planned 4.270372 8759.279   39.98886   15.12934
8004.RBC       8004 39.66598   Planned 4.938977 6972.281   39.87869   14.88857

Note that the reverse does not work, you need to specify the wide to long reshaping normally.

26.3 See also