<- s_CART(iris,
iris.cart outdir = "./Results/iris_CART")
12 Experiment Logging
12.1 Log to directory
You can save any rtemis supervised learning model to disk by specifying an output directory using the outdir
This will save:
- A text .log file with the console output
- A PDF with True vs. Fitted for Regression and a confusion matrix for Classification
- A RDS file with the trained model (i.e. the R6 object
in the above example)
The RDS files can be shared with others and loaded back into R at any time.
When running a series of experiments it makes sense to use the outdir
argument to save models to disk for reference.
12.2 Interactive logging
The above method of specifying an outdir
is the main way to save models to disk. In practice, we often train a series of models interactively and would like to keep track of what we have tried and how it worked out. rtemis includes rtModLogger
to help with that. You first create a new logger object, think of it as a container that will hold model parameters and error metrics - not the model itself. Once the logger is created you can add any models to it:
Some synthetic data:
<- rnormmat(400, 400, seed = 2019)
x <- rnorm(400)
w <- c(x %*% w + rnorm(400))
<- data.frame(x, y)
dat <- resample(dat) res
06-30-24 10:57:30 Input contains more than one columns; will stratify on last [resample]
.:Resampling Parameters
n.resamples: 10
resampler: strat.sub
stratify.var: y
train.p: 0.75
strat.n.bins: 4
06-30-24 10:57:30 Created 10 stratified subsamples [resample]
<- dat[res$Subsample_1, ]
dat.train <- dat[-res$Subsample_1, ] dat.test
Initialize a new logger object:
<- rtModLogger$new()
logger logger
.:.:rtemis Supervised Model Logger
Contents: no models yet
12.2.1 Train some models and add them to the logger:
<- s_GLMNET(dat.train, dat.test,
mod.ridge alpha = 0, lambda = .01, verbose = F)
$add(mod.ridge) logger
06-30-24 10:57:30 Added 1 model to logger; 1 total [logger$add]
<- s_GLMNET(dat.train, dat.test,
mod.lasso alpha = 1, lambda = .01, verbose = F)
$add(mod.lasso) logger
06-30-24 10:57:30 Added 1 model to logger; 2 total [logger$add]
<- s_GLMNET(dat.train, dat.test,
mod.elnet alpha = .5, lambda = .01, verbose = F)
$add(mod.elnet) logger
06-30-24 10:57:30 Added 1 model to logger; 3 total [logger$add]
12.2.2 Plot model performance:
$plot(names = c("Ridge", "LASSO", "Elastic Net")) logger
12.2.3 Get a quick summary:
<- logger$summary()
results results
Train Rsq Test Rsq
GLMNET_1 0.9999773 0.5522008
GLMNET_2 0.9998142 0.7465513
GLMNET_3 0.9999467 0.7420425
[1] "Rsq"
12.2.4 Write model hyperparameters and performance to a multi-sheet XLSX file:
$tabulate(filename = "./Results/model_metrics.xlsx") logger
In this example, the XLSX file will contain 3 sheets, one per model. We can save the output of tabulate
to a list as well:
<- logger$tabulate()
tbl tbl
ModelName lambda alpha Train.MAE Train.MSE Train.RMSE Train.NRMSE
1 GLMNET 0.01 0 0.07712676 0.01000251 0.1000125 0.000816399
1 16.86324 0.9954263 440.4743 0.9999773 20.98748
Train.RMSE.RED Train.r Train.r.p Train.SSE Train.SSR Train.SST Train.Rsq
1 0.9952347 0.9999887 0 2.990749 131644.9 131701.8 0.9999773
Train.stderr Test.MAE Test.MSE Test.RMSE Test.NRMSE Test.MAE.EXP Test.MAE.RED
1 0.1000125 10.6674 182.2739 13.50089 0.1483299 15.84375 0.3267122
Test.MSE.EXP Test.MSE.RED Test.RMSE.EXP Test.RMSE.RED Test.r Test.r.p
1 406.6002 0.5517121 20.16433 0.3304569 0.7991484 1.306608e-23
Test.SSE Test.SSR Test.SST Test.Rsq Test.stderr
1 18409.67 49026.38 41111.44 0.5522008 13.50089
ModelName lambda alpha Train.MAE Train.MSE Train.RMSE Train.NRMSE
1 GLMNET 0.01 1 0.2330074 0.08185309 0.2860998 0.002335423
1 16.86324 0.9861825 440.4743 0.9998142 20.98748
Train.RMSE.RED Train.r Train.r.p Train.SSE Train.SSR Train.SST Train.Rsq
1 0.9863681 0.999923 0 24.47407 130198.3 131701.8 0.9998142
Train.stderr Test.MAE Test.MSE Test.RMSE Test.NRMSE Test.MAE.EXP Test.MAE.RED
1 0.2860998 7.997417 103.0594 10.15182 0.1115348 15.84375 0.4952319
Test.MSE.EXP Test.MSE.RED Test.RMSE.EXP Test.RMSE.RED Test.r Test.r.p
1 406.6002 0.7465338 20.16433 0.4965457 0.8717328 1.945751e-32
Test.SSE Test.SSR Test.SST Test.Rsq Test.stderr
1 10409 40018.68 41069.47 0.7465513 10.15182
ModelName lambda alpha Train.MAE Train.MSE Train.RMSE Train.NRMSE
1 GLMNET 0.01 0.5 0.1243415 0.02348304 0.1532418 0.001250907
1 16.86324 0.9926265 440.4743 0.9999467 20.98748
Train.RMSE.RED Train.r Train.r.p Train.SSE Train.SSR Train.SST Train.Rsq
1 0.9926984 0.9999776 0 7.021428 130928.9 131701.8 0.9999467
Train.stderr Test.MAE Test.MSE Test.RMSE Test.NRMSE Test.MAE.EXP Test.MAE.RED
1 0.1532418 8.200421 104.9249 10.24329 0.1125397 15.84375 0.482419
Test.MSE.EXP Test.MSE.RED Test.RMSE.EXP Test.RMSE.RED Test.r Test.r.p
1 406.6002 0.7419457 20.16433 0.4920096 0.8713408 2.240629e-32
Test.SSE Test.SSR Test.SST Test.Rsq Test.stderr
1 10597.42 41196.62 41082.03 0.7420425 10.24329