24 Resources
24.1 R references
24.2 Datasets
A number of online repositories offer free access to datasets suitable for machine learning.
Some of them are:
- OpenML
- UCI Machine Learning Repository
- Penn ML Benchmarks (Essentially a subset of OpenML)
Wikipedia maintains a long List of datasets for machine-learning research
24.3 Statistics / Machine Learning references
A large number of books have been written on statistical / machine learning, data science, data mining, etc.
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning offers an accessible view of core learning algorithms, without being math-heavy.
- Elements of Statistical Learning offers a deeper and more extensive view on learning algorithms.
- Mathematics for Machine Learning covers the mathematical concepts behind ML algorithms
- Leo Breiman’s 2001 article, “Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures”, with comments from Cox, Efron, Hoadley, Parzen and a rejoinder by Leo